Makeup Land

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Makeup Tip

People always talk about how important fashion is during rough weather seasons, such as rain or snow. But does anyone ever talk about cosmetics during these times? When it rains, it is crucial that you wear WATER PROOF mascara, and even try to find other products that may be resistant. I made the mistake of avoiding this tip during a school presentation, and it made me look like a clown by the time I got there. So, tip #12450: WEAR WATERPROOF MAKEUP. You never know when rain is going to hit!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Makeup Compliements

Daniel commented on my makeup today. He owns a small firm outside of the company we work at, and I couldn't be more impressed. I guess thats what happens when you don't blow all of your $$ on cosmetics. ha. He said I had beautiful skin and asked what I used. I certainly was flattered, since I feel like my face looks like a pizza lately.